Early On
What is Early On® Oakland?
Early On® Oakland is a system of services for families of children birth to three years, who have a health condition or a developmental delay.
The system includes a collection of activities, supports, services and resources provided by many different agencies and programs. Early On® Oakland helps you find the individual support that your child and family needs.
How can Early On® Oakland help?
If that little voice inside your head is telling you that something isn't "quite right" with your baby or toddler, don't wait to reach out for help. The first years of a child's life are too important to let slip by. Don't wait to see if your little one "outgrows" your concern. Working on delays and concerns early means that children have a good chance for a great start in life.
Put your mind at ease, and give your child the help he or she may need by submitting a referral to Early On® Oakland today or call 248-209-2084 for more information!
Who can receive Early On® Oakland Services?
Early On® Oakland is available to any Oakland County family with a child from birth to age three who has a developmental delay or an established medical condition.
What is a developmental delay?
A developmental delay is seen when a child’s rate of growth and learning is different from that of most children the same age.
A developmental delay may be in one of the following areas:
- Thinking
- Talking
- Hearing
- Seeing
- Moving
- Taking care of basic needs
- Responding to others
What happens when I submit a referral?
After you submit a referral online or call 248.209.2084 for assistance in completing the referral, you will be contacted by a Service Coordinator. The Service Coordinator will set up a developmental evaluation to see how your child is learning and growing. The evaluation can be done anywhere your family or child spends time and should work into your family's schedule. The evaluation process will determine if your child is eligible for Early On®, and the kinds of support your family may need.
What if my child is eligible for Early On® Oakland?
Your Service Coordinator will help you think about the changes you would like to see for your child. Services and supports are coordinated through an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP). An IFSP is your family's plan of action.
How does Early On® help?
You and your Service Coordinator will decide what is best for your family. You will talk about activities, the things you can do every day, or programs where your child can learn and play with others. Your family may also need other supports like information or resources to help your child grow and develop. A few children may need extra help, and you and your Service Coordinator may decide your child needs special services to go along with the activities and supports. Examples of these services include family counseling, nursing services, nutritional counseling, audiology services, and physical, occupational or speech therapies.
Are you concerned about your child's development?
The first years of a child's life are very important. If you have any questions about your infant or toddler's development, or if you think they may need extra help. You can refer your child for an evaluation at no cost by click the button below to complete an online form. Once your referral is received, you will be contacted by a Service Coordinator within 10 days. She/he will discuss concerns with you and help you set up a developmental evaluation.
Refer your Child to Early On® Oakland
Don't worry. But don't wait.
For more information, call Early On® Oakland today! 248-209-2084