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Student Education Services serves the homeless students in all public school districts and charter schools throughout the County.

We ensure that all students are provided with seamless educational services regardless of their current housing situation.

Students eligible for support are those who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence and may include:

  • those living on the street, in a car, in an abandon building, etc.
  • those living in shelters and transitional housing programs.
  • those living in campgrounds, motels and hotels.
  • those who are doubled up with family or friends due to loss of housing.
  • those recently placed in a foster home (eligible for at least six months, possibly longer).
  • those who have runaway or otherwise are not accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Students in the above living situations may attend school where they attended prior to loosing their housing with transportation provided, or they may immediately enroll in the district where they are temporarily staying (even if they lack enrollment documents such as birth certificates, immunizations, and proof of residency).

Oakland Schools Homeless Student Education Services works with identified local homeless student liaisons in each district to assist with enrollment and transportation arrangements.  Oakland Schools also provides assistance with school supplies, necessary school clothing, connection to tutoring supports, and assistance with cost of school activities and programs. In some instances, students may be eligible for summer school free of charge.  Graduating seniors can also receive information regarding college application and financial aid opportunities for homeless students.  Monitoring of district compliance with the McKinney-Vento Law, providing for homeless student rights, dispute resolution and mediation are also provided through departmental services for the Oakland Schools Homeless Student Services.  

Referrals can be made by local school personnel, social service agencies and shelter staff or by students and families themselves. 

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