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ONE (Oakland Network for Education)

ONE (Oakland Network for Education): ONE is a fiber-based data network connecting twenty-nine (29) consortium member public school districts in Oakland ​​County. ONE enables members to become part of an interactive network to exchange ideas and to maximize effective uses of resources.  Operational support for the ONE network infrastructure and internet services is provided by Oakland Schools Technology Services.

Technology Picture

Benefits to Students:

  • Opportunities for all students to access the technological and academic skills necessary for the 21st Century.
  • Access to instructional resources from the convenience of the learner's desktops.
  • Virtual field trips to leading cultural institutions.
  • Collaborative opportunities for students to work with their peers across the county and across the world.
  • Field experts to work with students.
  • High speed, reliable access to the Internet.
  • Opportunities for all students to benefit from the best learning environments with the most current information and educational resources available.

Benefits to School Districts:

  • Dual high speed, circuits for Internet access to meet the growing needs of Oakland County educators.
  • Voice, video and data network infrastructure building a stronger learning community within Oakland County.
  • Infrastructure securities and filters including SPAM services.
  • Reliable, high-speed transmission for direct administrative information.
  • Economies-of-scale in the acquisition of technology services and educational resources.
  • Videoconferencing, video streaming and web casting.


Christopher Hammond

Enterprise Network Services Manager

Jeff Sharp

Director of Technology Operations