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School Speech-Language Pathologists

School-based speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are responsible for speech and language disorder prevention, assessment, int​​ervention, program design, data collection and analysis, and compliance activities.

They have integral roles in education​ and are essential members of school faculties, working with families​, students, school personnel, and other professionals. Oakland Schools supports school speech-language pathologists in their ability to improve student achievement and engagement in order to close achievement gaps that exist ​between students with and without IEPs.

Speech and Language Lending Library

​Oakland County public school speech-language pathologists may borrow materials, assessment tools, and student equipment for up to 30 days. 
Email or visit the Materials Center webpage​ to checkout materials via our web-based system​.

Technical Assistance and Supports

The speech and language consultant at O​akland Schools provides guidance and technical assistance for local school district speech-language pathologists to assist in closing the achievement gap between students with and without IEPs.​


Sarah Struzik

Supervisor Of Sp Capacity Building
School: 2482092286

Diane Katakowski

Speech And Language Consultant
School: 2482092042

Jennifer Ryan

Speech Language Pathologist Consultant
School: 2482092361