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School Psychologists

School psychologists help children and youth succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally.

They collaborate with educators, parents, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and the community for all students.

School psychologists are highly trained in both psychology and education, completing a minimum of a specialist-level degree program (at least 60 graduate semester hours) that includes a year-long supervised internship.

School Psychologists Work With Educators To:

  • Support school-wide practices that promote learning
  • Crisis intervention and support
  • Identify and resolve academic barriers to learning
  • Instructional support in interventions to develop academic and pro-social skills
  • Support effective specialized instruction for students with IEPs
  • Create positive school-wide and classroom environments
  • Motivate all students to actively engage in learning 

School Psychologist Consultation Services

The school psychologist consultants at Oakland Schools provide guidance and technical assistance for Oakland County school psychologists.

Oakland Schools’ assistance is designed to support school psychologists in their ability to improve student achievement and engagement in order to close the performance gap of students with and without IEPs. A variety of supports are provided to school psychologists by Oakland Schools’ school psychology consultants.

School Psychologist Resources

School Psychologist Professional Lending Library 

Oakland County school psychologists may borrow materials, assessment tools, and student equipment for up to 30 days.

Email us or call 248.209.2381 to checkout materials via our web-based system.

Professional Learning for School Psychologists Across Oakland Schools

To see the entire listing of OS professional learning events and register for workshops, visit the Professional Learning Calendar page.  

In collaboration with Macomb and St. Clair County, Oakland schools plans the School Psych Series, which is a series of 5 workshops specifically tailored to the needs of school psychologists across multiple counties.


Sarah Struzik

Supervisor Of Sp Capacity Building
School: 2482092286

Susan Koceski

School Psychology Consultant
School: 2482092536

Karen Rusniak

School Psychology Consultant
School: 2482092582

James Wood

School Psychology Consultant
School: 2482094684