REMC 17 districts and schools realize effective cost-savings through statewide cooperative purchasing via the REMC SAVE Project. Items available for purchase at a significant discount include computers, printers, software, A/V equipment, furniture, art supplies, and paper products. REMC 17 provides consultations to districts and schools seeking advice on purchases. REMC 17 schools save millions of dollars every year on purchases made via REMC SAVE.
About the Bid
The Regional Educational Media Centers (REMC) Statewide SAVE Project is a service of your Intermediate School District (Oakland Schools) and the REMC Association of Michigan. This project is approved by the State Board of Education and partially funded by Section 81 of the State School Aid Act and Technology Literacy Grant Funds.
A database of all of the items available through the REMC SAVE Project is available online at The site includes search capability and links for product specifications and additional information. The database is updated throughout the year to provide accurate and up-to-date information. Links to specifications and other added information are included to help schools learn more about products.
DO NOT SEND Purchase Orders TO REMC 17/OAKLAND SCHOOLS. All ORIGINAL Purchase Orders should be made out and sent to the individual vendors with "Per REMC Pricing" on the Purchase Order.