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Why Students Miss School

Why Students Miss School

Understanding why students are missing school is an important part of combating truancy, or chronic absenteeism.

Reasons Students Miss School:


Children who are bullied may avoid attending school. Sometimes children don't understand their subconscious desires to miss school. The stomach ache, not feeling well, may actually stem from wanting to stay away from a situation of bullying.

Parents have options: Visit the Oakland Schools Bullying 101 page for resources and information about bullying. Talk to your child about what they are experiencing and give them the confidence to stand up to bullying. 


Students who live a great distance from school without a school bus system rely on adults to help them get to school. Transportation to school is a common issue for students without a reliable vehicle. 

If your family is experiencing difficulty in getting to school, contact your local school or district for possible solutions.


When a child is at home sick, they are missing valuable hours of instruction. Understand what symptoms would prevent a child from attending school, so your child will not miss out in the classroom. Your school can provide clear indicators of when a student should attend school or remain at home.

If your student suffers from a chronic illness such as asthma or diabetes, talk with your school to determine the best medical support for your child throughout the school day.

Poor Grades/Incomplete School Work

When a child is struggling in school, they may want to avoid school completely. Give your child the resources to work through academic hardships. Reach out to your child's teacher if he or she is struggling and ask for assistance in helping your child with homework. 

Talk openly with your child about what they are struggling with and be their advocate with communicating these issues with their teachers. Your child may not know how to communicate their difficulties.

Housing/Family Issues

When a family is going through tough situations, it may be difficult to keep a child attending school regularly. Children who remain in school are able to maintain academic and emotional stability and consistently receive nutrition during their family's hardship.

If your family is struggling to maintain a child's attendance because of difficult family issues, please reach out to your local school district or contact Oakland Schools Truancy Department.

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Tierre Cook-Howell

Manager Of District And Pupil Services

Edmund Hillery

Truant Attendance Officer

Sonia Koenig

Truant Officer

Lisa Krapohl

Truant Attendance Officer

Tracy Long

Truant Attendance Officer