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Truancy Department

Do you know?

Young Students at chalkboard

Understanding why students are missing school is an important part of combating truancy, or chronic absenteeism.

Students holding diploma and graduation caps

If a student drops out of school, they have the right to return to school and be reenrolled. It's not too late to stay in school!

What is Truancy?

Truancy is essentially unexcused absences from school or an education system. Students that miss too many days of school are at risk of district or legal action.

Why is attending school so important?

Students who attend school regularly are more likely to perform better academically. In addition, schools provide students with a community and teach children how to interact with their peers and important social skills. The consistency and routine that schools provide helps students with organizational skills and prepares students for future careers after graduation.

Student attendance matters for academic performance.

Students reporting missing three or more days had lower average test scores in reading and math than students with fewer absences.

Middle and high school absenteeism can predict dropout rates.

As early as sixth grade, absenteeism becomes an indicator that a student is at risk of dropping out.

Improving attendance is an essential strategy for reducing achievement gaps.

It is essential to intervene early to ensure an equal opportunity to learn.

Research for information above was conducted by Attendance Works. Attendance Works is a national organization dedicated to improving the policy, practice and research around attendance.

Visit Attendance Works website for resources, research and action tools


Tierre Cook-Howell

Manager Of District And Pupil Services
School: 2482092014

Edmund Hillery

Truant Attendance Officer
School: 2482092248

Sonia Koenig

Truant Officer
School: 2482092169

Lisa Krapohl

Truant Attendance Officer
School: 2482092302

Tracy Long

Truant Attendance Officer
School: 2482092595