ISD Annual Website Report
Current Fiscal Year
Oakland Schools welcomes the opportunity presented by PA 413 of 2004 that requires each of Michigan's 56 intermediate school districts to post certain information on our websites by December 31 of each year, beginning in 2006. This section of the Oakland Schools website provides detailed information about who we are, what we do, who we serve, costs, and cost-savings to our constituent districts.
Required components of Public Act 413 of 2004 amended the Revised School Code by adding Section 620, which requires each intermediate school district (ISD) to post certain information on its website by December 31 of each year, beginning in 2006 (with 2005-2006 data). View the Michigan Department of Education Guidelines for complying with Section 620 of the Revised School Code. The required components of the report include information in the following categories:
- General Information: (Budget, Pupils, Employees, etc.)
- Travel
- Contracts
- Contract Modifications
- Salaries, Expense Accounts and Supplemental Compensation - CY
- Fiber Optics, cable equipment, and Operating System Software
- Legal and Lobbying
- 1099 Reporting of Vendors over $25K - CY
- Certain ISD Information
- Motor Vehicle Information
General Information: (Budget, Pupils, Employees, etc.)
Contract Modifications
Salaries, Expense Accounts and Supplemental Compensation - CY
Fiber Optics, cable equipment, and Operating System Software
Legal and Lobbying
1099 Reporting of Vendors over $25K - CY
Certain ISD Information
Motor Vehicle Information
In our Continuous Improvement Plan, Oakland Schools lays out six strategic directions that guide the work of the intermediate school district and provide the framework for departmental planning and initiatives:
- Maximize learning
- Increase collaborative opportunities
- Build the capacity for continuous improvement
- Close gaps and reduce inequities
- Advocate for public education
- Foster communication and engagement
Nearly 94% of the Oakland Schools budget in FY 23-24 was focused on direct services to local school districts. The remaining 6% was dedicated to indirect services to the schools we serve.
Learn about the services Oakland Schools provides in our District Services Report.
The data provided by this Annual Website Report tells only part of the Oakland Schools story. We invite you to further explore how we leverage economies of scale with our many products, services, collaboratives and regional resources by reviewing our District Service Report. For additional information, please contact our Communication Services Department at 248.209.2145.